Exibitor Portal

Start your exhibition planning here

Your exhibition participation: Perfectly planned in 5 steps

Step 1

Find out about the key facts and advertising opportunities on this page. Read the Technical Manual and Deadline Checklist and register for the Exhibitor Kick-off Webinar.

Step 2

The organizational newsletters support you in thinking of everything. To ensure that nothing ends up in the spam filter, please whitelist the sender identifiers @easyfairs.com, @easyfairsemails.com, @global.easyfairs.com and @messeprojekt.de.

Step 3

Log in to the MyEasyfairs service portal. Place all orders related to the trade fair(s) in the store and organize your communicative appearance.

Step 4

Familiarize yourself with the services of MyEasyfairs and the Touch&Collect and VisitConnect systems.

Step 5

The technical stand planning takes place in direct communication between you as exhibitor and our stand construction partner.

Please order rental furniture and imprints not included in the stand package in the onlinehsop in MyEasyfairs.


NEW: The trade fair app for all about automation & maintenance in Zurich 2024


We are pleased to introduce you to our new trade fair app and its numerous functions that will increase your visibility before, during and after the trade fair.

This app is more than just a scheduling tool and allows you to get in touch with customers, prospects and potential partners at any time.

►More information

Important notice: Relocation and change of dates for all about automation in Hamburg


145 exhibitors and around 2,000 visitors are enthusiastic about all about automation in Hamburg every year. Our previous home, the Hamburg-Schnelsen exhibition hall, has become too small for us – too small. Most of the other all about automation trade fairs now have between 170 and 200 exhibitors (in Friedrichshafen even over 350). This is not possible in the Hamburg-Schnelsen exhibition hall.

After intensive consideration and many discussions with exhibitors and visitors, we have made the decision:

From 2025, all about automation in Hamburg will move to the larger and more modern Hamburg Messe exhibition centre.
The events Empack – regional trade fair for the packaging industry and Logistics and Automation – regional trade fair for intralogistics and material flow, also organised by Easyfairs in Hamburg, will also be moving.
The new, joint date for all three trade fairs is 3 + 4 June 2025.
This means that there will be no all about automation in Hamburg on 15 + 16 January 2025.

After intensive consideration and many discussions with exhibitors and visitors, we have made a decision:
all about automation in Hamburg will move to the larger and more modern Hamburg Messe exhibition centre from 2025.
The events Empack – regional trade fair for the packaging industry and Logistics and Automation – regional trade fair for intralogistics and material flow, also organised by Easyfairs in Hamburg, will also be moving.
The new, joint date for all three trade fairs is 3 + 4 June 2025.
This means that there will be no all about automation in Hamburg on 15 + 16 January 2025.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

First Easyfairs sustainability report published


Under the motto “Act for the Future”, Easyfairs is taking many actions to ensure that our trade fairs become ever more sustainable and our emissions fall. The first sustainability report was published this week. Take a look inside:

► Easyfairs 2023 Sustainability Report

aaa-Termine 2025 - Vorankündigung


The six dates for the all about automation trade fairs in 2025 have been finalised. Here is an overview of the dates for your planning. You can also download the registration form for the all about automation trade fairs 2025 here.

Termine 2025

  • Friedrichshafen, 25. +26. Februar 2025
  • Heilbronn, 14. +15. Mai 2025
  • Hamburg, 3. + 4. Juni 2025
  • Wetzlar, 10. + 11. September 2025
  • Düsseldorf, 17. +18. September 2025
  • Chemnitz, 30. September + 1. Oktober 2025
New topics in focus of aaa 2024


In recent months, we have asked exhibitors and visitors which topics they would like to see played out more in the lecture areas and in the communication of all about automation. The result are the topics in focus for the aaa year 2024!

Topics in focus 2024

  • Automation for SMEs
  • AI / Machine Learning
  • Sustainability in automation / Co2 Neutral production
  • Robotics / Human-Robot Collaboration
  • Retrofit
  • Safe Automation / Robot Safety
  • Industrial Communication
  • Digital Transformation / IIoT
  • Smart Sensors / Intelligent Vision

The program of presentations at the Talk Lounge of all about automation is aligned along these topics, and they will be highlighted in the visitor communication.

Use the sps to invite to the aaa! Deadline: October 30, 2023


Is the time at sps in Nuremberg also sometimes too short for you to deepen your discussions? Are you happy to see your customers twice a year? Then why not arrange a follow-up appointment for the regionally suitable all about automation right away at sps.

All Dates and Locations 2024

aaa Orte und Termine 2024

The booking options and services included are identical to those in 2023. If you are an exhibitor at the all about automation trade fairs in 2023, you will benefit from attractive rebooking advantages.
All about automation exhibitions are held annually at the following locations: Hamburg, Friedrichshafen, Heilbronn, Chemnitz, Düsseldorf.
All about automation exhibitions are held at the following locations in odd-numbered years: Wetzlar.
All about automation exhibitions are held at the following locations in even-numbered years: Straubing, Zurich.
Teaserbild sps-aktion


2024 finden gleich sieben all about automation Messen statt.  Als neuer Standort kommt – auf vielfachen Wunsch der Ausstellergemeinschaft – mit Straubing ein Standort in Bayern hinzu. Anmeldungen sind ab sofort möglich. Zu den Anmeldeunterlagen 2024

Alle Termine und Orte 2024

aaa Orte und Termine 2024

Buchungsmöglichkeiten und im Preis enthaltene Leistungen sind identisch wie 2023. Als Aussteller der all about automation Messen 2023 profitieren Sie von attraktiven Rebooking-Vorteilen.
An folgenden Standorten finden jährlich all about automation Messen statt: Hamburg, Friedrichshafen, Heilbronn, Chemnitz, Düsseldorf.
An folgenden Standorten finden in ungeraden Jahren all about automation Messen statt: Wetzlar.
An folgenden Standorten finden in geraden Jahren all about automation Messen statt: Straubing, Zürich.
aaa Landkarte 2024

Messeübersicht 2023

  • Tuesday, 27.8.2024
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early set up by arrangement
  • Wednesday, 28.8.2024
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 29.8.2024
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday, 29.8.2024
    16:00 – 21:00 Clearance of system stands Dismantling for exhibitors
  • Friday, 30.8.2024
    8:00 – 12:00 h
    Pick up of exhibition material possible

Tuesday, 04.06.2024
Zoom Meeting
Register here

Dienstag, 20.08.2024, 11:00 Uhr
Hier anmelden

  • Tuesday, 17.9.2024
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early construction by arrangement
  • Wednesday, 18.9.2024
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 19.9.2024
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday, 19.9.2024
    16:00 – 21:00
    Removal of system stands
    Disassembly for exhibitors
  • Friday, 29.9.2024
    8:00 – 12:00
    Exhibition material can be picked up

Dienstag, 02.07.2024

Dienstag, 10.09.2024, 11:00 Uhr
Hier anmelden

  • Monday, 30.09.2024
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early construction by arrangement
  • Tuesday, 01.10.2024
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday, 02.10.2024
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Wednesday, 02.10.2024
    16:00 – 21:00
    Removal of system stands
    Disassembly for exhibitors
  • Thursday, 03.10.2024
    8:00 – 12:00
    Exhibition material collection possible

Tuesday, 02.07.2023

Dienstag, 24.09.2024, 11:00 Uhr
Hier anmelden

aaa Friedrichshafen Messehalle
  • Monday, 24.2.2025
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • Early set up by arrangement
  • Tuesday, 25.2.2025
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Wednesday, 26.2.2025
    09:00 – 16:00
  • Wednesday, 26.2.2025
    16:00 – 21:00
    Clearance of system stands
    Disassembly for exhibitors
  • Thursday, 27.2.2025
    8:00 – 12:00 h
    Collection of exhibition material possible

Tuesday, 05.12.2023
11:00 h
Zoom Meeting
Register here

Thursday, 22.02.2024, 14:00 h
to the recording

all about automation in Heilbronn
  • Tuesday, 13.05.2025
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early build up after arrangement
  • Wednesday, 14.05.2025
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 15.05.2025
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday, 15.05.2025
    16:00 – 21:00
    Clearance of system stands Dismantling for exhibitors
  • Friday, 16.05.2025
    8:00 – 12:00
    Collection of exhibition material is possible

Tuesday, 20.02.2024
To the recording

Mittwoch, 08.05.2024, 11 Uhr
Hier anmelden

Hamburg Messe

Monday, 02 June 2025
12:00 – 20:00
ServiceCounter available until 6pm
Early set up by arrangement

Tuesday, 03.6.2025
9:00 – 17:00

Wednesday, 04.06.2025
9:00 – 16:00

Wednesday, 04 June 2025
16:00 – 21:00
Removal of stands
Disassembling for exhibitors

Thursday, 05.06.2025
8:00 – 12:00 h
Exhibition material can be picked up

Tuesday, 24.10.2022
To the recording

Tuesday, 09.01.2024, 11:00 am
Registrer here 

  • Tuesday, 9.9.2025
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early construction by arrangement
  • Wednesday, 10.9.2025
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 11.9.2025
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday, 11.9.2025
    16:00 – 21:00 Clearance of system stands, Dismantling for exhibitors
  • Friday, 12.9.2025
    8:00 – 12:00
    Collection of exhibition material possible
  • Tuesday, 09.06.2026
    12:00 – 20:00
  • ServiceCounter available until 6pm
  • early construction by arrangement
  • Wednesday, 10.06.2026
    9:00 – 17:00
  • Thursday, 11.06.2026
    9:00 – 16:00
  • Thursday, 11.06.2026
    16:00 – 21:00
    Clearance of system stands Dismantling for exhibitors
  • Friday, 12.06.2026
    8:00 – 12:00
    Pick up of exhibition material possible

Tuesday, 09.04.2024

Dienstag, 18.06.2024, 11 Uhr
Zur Aufzeichnung 

Exhibition marketing

Make your existing customers and your target customers aware of your participation in the exhibition and invite them with a free ticket. Take advantage of the opportunities that we offer.

Customized company codes for free tickets

  • You will receive customized company voucher codes and registration links to activate free tickets.
  • The contacts you invite will not just receive free entrance, but also snacks & drinks in the exhibition hall and – at most locations – parking.
  • Use the code or link in your own promotional materials or include it in our digital entrance voucher.
  • The code can be used an unlimited number of times and is always free of charge – even if it is redeemed by your customers.

Where to get?

In My Easyfairs under the menu item “Invite leads & customers”, you will find your invitation link. In addition, below you will find instructions on exactly where to find your 5-digit invitation codes in MyEasyfairs. If you need help, feel free to contact us directly, at aaa-orga@easyfairs.com . We will then send you the code by mail.

When and how long available?
From opening My Easyfairs

Number and costs
Any number, no extra cost

Din long, 2 pages, with imprint of stand number, free ticket code and company name

Where to order?
In the online store of My Easyfairs.

When available and for how long?
From 3 months to 2 weeks before the exhibition.

Number and costs
Unlimited number, the minimum amount is 100 pieces, no extra charge.

Exhibition logo is available in .jpg .png .eps formats for print and online applications. Static banners are available for email footers and other applications.

Where to order?

Order in the My Easyfairs online store or download directly here:

When available and for how long?

From 4 months before exhibition

→ Download Logo all about automation general

→ Download Logo Hamburg 2024

→ Download Logo Friedrichshafen 2024

→ Download Logo Heilbronn 2024

→ Download Logo Straubing 2024

→ Download Logo Zürich 2024

→ Download Logo Chemnitz 2024

→ Download Logo Düsseldorf 2024

Various formats, Customizable with stand number

Where to order?
You individualize these banners yourself in the banner generator
→To banner generator

When available and for how long?
From 4 months before exhibition

Pictures of the all about automation trade fairs can be found here

→ Trade fair pictures

You are welcome to publish these images via your channels. Please indicate ‘Easyfairs GmbH’ as the source.

Become a follower of the Linked-In channel of all about automation. Like, share and get new contacts.

>> Linked-In Channel all about automation

Advertising and sponsorship opportunities

Draw attention to your company and your services. We offer you an attractive package of paid advertising and sponsorship opportunities. Before and during the trade fair.

Special campaigns

Guided tours, videos, special promotions with media partners: we have very special offers for you at some all about automation events. Choose the one that suits you best!

IoT Guided Tour in Friedrichshafen with competence partner IoT Use Case

After great success in 2023, back again in 2024: The IoT tour with IoT use case on 5 March at 3:00 p.m. and on 6 March at 10:00 a.m.
Do you have a digital offering (IoT sensors, hardware/software, cloud services or connectivity)? Then be there as an IoT exhibitor with your stand when Madeleine Mickeleit guides potential customers and IoT enthusiasts around the trade fair!

Be part of this tour and make sure that the group makes a pit stop at your stand and doesn’t miss out on your offer. Your solutions will be presented and questions from potential users will be answered – a special experience between knowledge transfer, networking and exchanging experiences! Register now – limited contingent:

As a media partner, messtec drives Automation publishes special sections on all about automation in 3 issues. As an exhibitor, you benefit from special conditions.

→ Info about the offer

MyEasyfairs FAQ & Exhibitor Academy

Are you exhibiting at an Easyfairs evennt for the first time and would like to learn more about the systems? You would like to make your participation even better? You still have one or the other question? The MyEasyfairs and the Exhibitor Academy videos have the answers.

  • How do I fill out my company profile? How do I upload products? How does the Touch & Collect system work? How does Visit Connect work? Not only these, but many other questions about MyEasyfairs, Touch & Collect and Visit Connect are explained step by step.

→ To MyEasyfairs FAQ

  • How can you make your trade fair stand even more attractive? How can you make your trade fair presence sustainable? How can you promote your participation? What do you need to prepare your stand personnel? These and many more questions are addressed in the Exhibitor Academy.
  • In addition, there are 5 modules that revolve exclusively around the topic of EasyGo and Visit Connect. Among other things, they cover how to improve the visibility of your online profile and how to increase the number of your leads.

→ To Exhibitor Academy

EasyGo - Your service package

Included at all Easyfairs exhibitions: The EasyGo package. The service package is based on the latest developments in digital marketing technology. You can see your booked EasyGo Package in MyEasyfairs. This is where you can also book an upgrade.

Exhibitor and parking passes

You will need exhibitor passes and, in some cases, parking permits for your trade fair participation. Your stand personnel must register by name. A certain number of passes is already included in your package.

The following passes are included in your package:

  • Stand size 8-12 sqm: 1 parking pass + 2 exhibitor passes
  • Stand size 15-21 sqm: 2 parking passes + 3 exhibitor passes
  • Stand size over 24 sqm: 2 parking passes + 4 exhibitor passes
  • Per co-exhibitor: 1 parking pass + 2 exhibitor passes

You register the stand personnel via MyEasyfairs. If you exceed the included number of passes, you will be charged €20 / 30 CHF for each pass handed out.

You can order additional parking passes in the online store. Parking passes are not required at all locations.


We actively inform you about our service providers and partners. Please note that not every company offering you services for all about automation has been contracted by us. We warn you about some misleading offers.

We warn you about unauthorized trade fair directories that request data matching from exhibitors at our trade fairs. Companies are active that advertise their products and services in a misleading manner using the name of the trade fair and the organizer. We would like to point out that Easyfairs GmbH is in no way connected to: International Fairs Directory | Automation.bz | EXPO GUIDE | FAIRGUIDE.COM | Construct Data Verlag AG

We expressly distance ourselves from the business practices of these and similar companies. The data used by these companies are mostly copied from generally accessible sources (e.g. online exhibitor directories, catalogs, etc.).

Please be sure to carefully review any offers you receive for trade show directories. We expressly warn you against the companies mentioned in the introductory list and their sometimes misleading offers and requests for payment.

The entries for the official directories of the all about automation trade fairs, such as the listing in the exhibitor list, you all make free of charge online in MyEasyfairs.

Beware of list providers /data offers and similar scams! Please also watch out for fraudulent offers of list data and other “services” that you may receive via unsolicited emails.

If you receive such a communication, it is certainly fraudulent and does not originate from Easyfairs. We never sell visitor data to third parties. In most cases, the data provided by these companies is either inaccurate, incomplete, of poor quality or even falsified and/or has been collected or acquired in violation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Please do not respond to these emails. Under no circumstances should you make payments to the companies behind them.

→ The industry association AUMA provides further information

How to plan your stand with our partner

Messeprojekt mp from Leipzig is stand construction partner for all about automation exhibitions. You coordinate your stand directly with the team of Messeprojekt.

Contact e-mail:aaa@messeprojekt.de

  • Info about your stand package and booking additional services
    You can see everything that is included in your stand package in the Technical Manual. You can book additional furniture and printing in the MyEasyfairs Shop.
  • Stand construction planning
    Around 10 weeks before the deadline (approx. 16 weeks before the fair) you will receive your stand construction sketch by e-mail from Messeprojekt. The sketch is based on the booked services and takes into account, if applicable, your stand configuration at past all about automation fairs. For very large trade fairs, which are planned over vacation periods (Christmas / summer), the dispatch of the stand construction sketches usually starts earlier. By the deadline 6 weeks before the show, you will coordinate your booth construction plans directly with Messeprojekt. Please also submit your graphics directly to Messeprojekt by the deadline. We cannot guarantee the implementation of graphics submitted after the deadline.
  • Please note the deadlines!
    The exact deadlines for each trade fair can be found on the deadline checklist. This is linked to the respective trade fair in the exhibitor portal.
  • On-site procedure
    On the set-up day, the Easyfairs team and the trade fair project team will be available at the Easyfairs info counter.

Act for the Future

Easyfairs is committed to conducting trade exhibitions in an increasingly environmentally friendly and socially responsible manner. Easyfairs is a member of the Net Zero Carbon Events Pledge. We commit to be Net Zero by 2050 and to halve our greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.

Current Corona regulations

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  • Regelung
    Beschreibung in Fließtext
  • Regelung
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  • Regelung
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noch weiteres FAQ

Abschnitt bei Bedarf online schalten und befüllen

  • Warnhinweis
    Beschreibung in Fließtext
  • Warnhinweis
    Beschreibung in Fließtext
  • Warnhinweis
    Beschreibung in Fließtext
  • Warnhinweis
    Beschreibung in Fließtext
  • Warnhinweis
    Beschreibung in Fließtext

Termine 2024 und Rebooking-Informationen

Hier Fließtext eintragen. Hier Fließtext eintragen. Hier Fließtext eintragen. Hier Fließtext eintragen.

aaa Friedrichshafen Messehalle

Kommendes Event 2023

aaa Friedrichshafen Messehalle

Rebooking 2023

aaa Friedrichshafen Messehalle

Kommendes Event 2023

Your Contact

Questions about processes, offers and systems

Event Coordination Team

Daniela Klumpp, Laura Palmowski, Jan Breimann
Tel.: +49 (0)711 217 267 50

Questions about stand construction, graphics, furniture

Stand building partner

Messeprojekt GmbH
Tel.: +49 (0)341 52 62 59 07

Questions about stand-related services (electricity, compressed air, forwarding,..)


Franziska Nassen
Tel.: +49 (0)89 127 165 156


Wir freuen uns auf die aaa in Hamburg! Sie haben einen Code erhalten? Jetzt einlösen.

Sie haben noch keinen Gratisticket-Code? Jetzt anfordern